Friday, January 23, 2009


Thank goodness this week is over! I have 2 more weeks until my convention! And still a lot to be done. Especially this upcoming week when I have to have my materials to the printer! And the good/bad news is that my registration numbers are way up from previous years!!!!! I hope I am ordering enough!
With that being said, I am looking forward to a somewhat relaxing weekend. I stopped by the grocery store and picked up a 6 pack of Shiner Bock which I plan on enjoying throughout the weekend! It was a toss up between this and Blue Moon. Shiner won this weekend!

But before I did that I stopped at Hobby Lobby. I was looking for some cutesy Valentine crafty gifts for the nieces and nephew and ended up buying a Mardi Gras decoration for the door! With my 40% off coupon! I've been wanting something Mardi Gras for the door for years and I finally found something that I liked and was affordable!

I hope to get a lot of stitching accomplished this weekend (there's a possibility I could have a finish if I put my mind to it!) and also maybe see a movie. There are a few out right now that I would enoy seeing. Underworld: Rise of the Lycans and Revolutionary Road. I know, two very different movies but both interest me. It will depend on what mood I am in when I head to the theater.
Hopefully I will have some progress stitching pictures after this weekend!

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