Sunday, January 17, 2010

"Relaxing" Weekend

Hmmm, not sure how relaxing this weekend was.  I was told by several people, including family, friends, and work, to go home this weekend and relax.  Sleep in late.  Do nothing.  Not sure if I accomplished that.

Saturday morning I woke up at 5 a.m. instead of 3 a.m.  I dozed and daydreamed until 8:30 a.m. Does that count as sleeping in?  I went out to the bookstore and spent 30 minutes just browsing.  Found a few books I would have been interested in buying but I couldn't decide on just one and I also couldn't remember if I already had the books and they were just in my "to be read" pile!!!  That's sad, isn't it?  I also went to Hobby Lobby.  I actually didn't find anything there.  But I just went in browsing, I had nothing specific in mind. Then off to Papa Murphy's to pick up a pizza for the Saints playoff game.  Had a nice afternoon/evening watching football with a friend, munching on pizza and drinking beer.  For dessert we even had a black and gold king cake.  We were in the spirit!!!!  So one game down, one more next Sunday!  Thankfully it is on Sunday since I have to work the weekend but will be home by 1 p.m. on Sunday!

Now it is Sunday.  Same as Saturday.  Slept till about 5 a.m.  and then dozed and daydreamed till about 8:30 a.m.  The big decision this morning was pancakes or waffles!  I've spent the morning stitching and catching up on shows.  Now it is time for football!  The remaining two football playoff games.  Time to see who will meet the Saints in the Dome next Sunday!  I'm not sure who I want it to be, Cowboys or Vikings?  All I want is for the Saints to win!!

I have a big week ahead of me.  Convention starts on Thursday and I have a TON of work to accomplish in the next 3 days.  I hope I can handle it with some grace and dignity.  On site work at convention really isn't hard, just time consuming and physical.  But I really will be glad when it is all over.  I am so thankful that I have my parents to help me out. They do little things like shopping, making me dinner, walking and taking care of Duke.  That helps me tremendously!!! I'm very  lucky that they are willing to do that for me!!!

I hope everyone has a good week!  I hope to have another update on Dragon Knot up by the end of the day or by tomorrow.  I just want to get as much stitching done on it as I can!


Blu said...

Sounds like a wonderfully relaxing weekend to me!

Hope everything at the convention goes well.

Carolyn NC said...

Sounds like you had fun relaxing!