I was actually very successful in stitching this week. I don't know how many hours I put in but I put in more than just a few! This has also been a very good weekend of stitching. I came to a stopping point on both of the projects so I thought I would post some progress photos.
The above photo is the progress I made this week on the Iris Keeper. I think that I actually accomplished alot considering how many color changes there were! There were actually times when you only used one color thread for ONE stitch! I worked on this particular pattern all week. I accomplished a lot on Saturday while watching football.

This photo is the progress made on The Kiss. I have to admit I only worked on this one for two hours this Sunday morning. Since my other pattern is for Christmas, I devoted more time to it this weekend. But I didn't want to not touch on this project so I picked it up this morning. I'm hoping to maybe do a little bit more this afternoon before resuming the Iris Keeper.
Since I am only working 3 days this week and thus will have a 4 day weekend, I am hoping to have even more progress to show next week! Thank goodness I don't really care for shopping and most of my Christmas shopping is done so I won't be compelled to hit any of the big sales after Thanksgiving!
I was excited to see that HAED is having a sale this week. I am going to be good and purchase just one pattern when I get paid on Tuesday! I have many patterns already and no clue when I will begin them so I think one pattern is all I should limit myself to! LOL!