Ok, so I am about a week late on posting this. Story of my life these days. I'm behind on most things.
For Labor Day weekend I was to go to Austin to see my sister. She is always complaining that I don't come out to see her and I had some extra vacation time so I thought this would be a good time. Hurricane Isaac had other ideas so I ended up going a few days early and with Duke in tow.
The original plan was to leave after work on Thursday evening and stay through Monday. I ended up leaving mid-morning Tuesday and staying till Monday. Which worked out great because it seemed that my place lost power for several days. However, I did have to bring Duke with me, cause I was not going to leave him behind being boarded at the vet's. Luckily though, he behaved very well with my sister's dog, Augie.

As my sister still had to work those first few days, I spent a lot of time cooking and cleaning my sister's apartment as she was still recovering from an emergency appendectomy she had had about two weeks prior. I did her grocery shopping and picked up around the place. I did go on a few walks, but not many because it is nothing but hills around there and well, I come from the flat lands of Louisiana. A hill for us is an ant hill! One afternoon was spent at the fabulous pool her apartment complex has. And the rest of the time was spent shopping with my sister. I got some great deals at the outlets and even managed to snag a new Coach purse and matching wallet. Love, love, love!
I had made an LSU wreath for my sister but she also wanted a Halloween wreath. So while there I managed to hit several Hobby Lobby and Michaels stores to get the necessary materials to make her a Halloween wreath. What Lisa wants, Lisa gets. This isn't a great picture but it was the best I could do with the lighting I had.
Upon my return home, I had to deal with all the food in the refrigerator that had spoiled. Ugh!! Who knew milk could have that many layers and get that lumpy. Gross! But this happens at least once a year so it was the annual cleaning of the refrigerator. I just finished cleaning the freezer this weekend.
I've been working on Life Force, when I have time. Usually at night when I should be sleeping. My insomnia is kicking up something awful these days! But at least I am being productive! I am currently working on page 2. I hope to finish it quickly but while there are some big blocks of colors, there is also a lot of confetti. This is actually an old update. There is so much more of it done than this. I just haven't taken any new photos!
Fall is turning into a very busy time! I have 2 board meetings, a convention, birthday parties, visits with friends. I'm so busy trying to make sure that everything gets done and that everyone else is happy, I am feeling very overwhelmed these days. I really need to learn to step back and let go of somethings before my insomnia really gets too bad! Easier said than done!