August is almost over and before it is, I thought I should get one more blog in! This has been a very busy month. I was lucky enough to hear from my sailor twice (I'm so spoiled now!) and a trip to the beach (which was absoslutely wonderful) and then work has just been plain ole busy. And currently, we, here in Louisiana, are currently trying to prepare for a storm. Phones are ringing in the office and it is starting to get hectic. Although the storm is a good 5 days away, no one is taking it lightly after Katrina. I went to get batteries tonight and they were sold out. Thankfully, my mom will be out and about tomorrow and will have her eye out for batteries.
Now on to other things! I was given another award by Noreen! Yeah! She is so sweet! Here it is:
And for a stitching update. While August has been very busy, I did get some stitching in. Here are two pictures updating on Storykeep Iris and Dragon Knot both from HAED.